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Working Out or Training.

Writer: BradBrad


If you've ever been to the gym and seen someone train, you'll notice that they're not just lifting weights. They have a plan for every exercise and they don't deviate from it.

This is NOT working out, it's Training!

You can tell the difference because one has no real goal or purpose for doing the exercises in this way other than to burn calories and get in shape (which is fine).

Whereas the other has been designed or crafted to get the desired long-term result.

Takeaway: Training is about getting better at something specific that you want to be good at.

Consistency is what's going to get you results

If you want to see results, then you have to show up every day and be consistent.

It's as simple as that.

You cannot go for a run one day and not the next because it's too cold or you're tired after work.

Consistency is what's going to get you results.

Consistency means being disciplined in your training program so that no matter how many times your body says "no" or how much time passes between workouts, it doesn't stop moving forward toward its goal of being fit and healthy by working out regularly, eating well, sleeping well and staying active throughout the day.

Training is a lifestyle, not a chore!

It's about doing the work and sticking to the plan.

You can't just do it for a month or two and then stop.

Training is about building long-term results that will improve your health, fitness and strength over time.

If you're looking for short-term results we are probably not the right place for you.


Real change comes from hard work and enjoyment

The difference between simply working out and training is what you're doing it for.

Working out, done with no real purpose other than to burn calories and get stronger, has limited results. But has it's place here, because if that's what you really enjoy then you do you boo.

Training, on the other hand, is when you are training with a specific goal in mind. This could be to lose weight, gain muscle mass or build endurance.

When it comes to working out vs Training- if you're not enjoying yourself and pushing yourself then chances are you won't see much of a change!

I must say, Training with a goal doesn't have to be unenjoyable, it's 100% on your coach to make sure you are still happy with your program and enjoying your training. Because we know without that you won't stick around.

So what does this mean for YOU?

Well, firstly we need to realise that results don't happen overnight so give yourself time!

If you want big biceps to start training them - over time they will grow and develop but don't expect them after two weeks...and certainly not without hard work!

When it comes to whether you should train or work out there isn't really any difference between them; other than having a plan of attack or walking around doing what you want.

You'll feel more energized and less stressed

Exercising as a whole, whether it's running, lifting weights or yoga, is a great way to reduce stress.

When you're training and focusing on the positive (the feeling of your muscles working as you lift weights or having fun with your friends), you're more likely to look at the bigger picture instead of getting caught up in every little detail that might be bothering you.

There are also other benefits that come from exercise: better sleep quality, improved mood and even lower blood pressure. All of these things have been linked to reducing stress levels in the body which can lead to a happier life overall!


You'll be stronger in the gym and in everyday life

When you're training, your muscles are going to be burning. This is because your body is producing energy through glycogen, which is a type of sugar that can only last for so long before it's depleted.

The more you work out, the more muscle fibres you'll build up and the longer they'll last during a workout. Eventually, this means that you'll be able to lift heavier weights and do more reps — which means more gains!

  • You’ll have better endurance outside of the gym when it comes to activities like carrying groceries or moving furniture around.

Exercising as a whole also gives your heart and lungs a good workout as well; this helps improve overall respiratory function so that they can deliver oxygen throughout your body quicker.

Relish the pain of discipline and embrace the pleasure of achievement.
  • Take time to reflect on your achievements.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help or celebrate wins.

  • Don't be afraid to rest, especially when you need it most.

  • Don't be afraid to try new things or step outside of your comfort zone, because that's where the magic happens!


Working out means doing a variety of different exercises that will improve your overall health and fitness, and don't get me wrong it's still beneficial to keep you active and moving and if that's what's fun for you then that will keep you coming back.

Don't know where to start?

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